Green Card lottery results to be announced on May 4 / For Those Who Will Win DV Lottery on May 4, 2024


Green Card lottery results to be announced on May 4

uh guess what I'm holding here today I'm holding the Green Card of one of the person who won the devot last year the results of last year this person after winning ask for my service my service which includes helping someone to fill the Visa form guiding the person for the uh interview but not only interview how to start the life in America and the life in America is divided into various categories adjustment in terms of C professional life in terms of finding a job but if you want to go for further education and also how you deal with the money management investment retirement and looking at the bigger picture or later you want to own the business so there are so many things if you come here as new uh sometimes it's overwhelming or sometimes you don't understand so we don't want you to waste the time it's better to understand how the life goes so not all people who are winning the
 Green Card Lottery when you check your de results that you know someone in America you might know someone but you don't know someone very well so when I was people are feeling the Visa form uh they ask to use my address on the part of my my service package of helping people they use my address they don't come to stay with me but they use my address and I give them the guidance I can help to find a host but most of these people .

I don't have any interest I can give okay I can point for people who can help you to host there are some they be for free there are some they might say you have to pay them so it's the agreement you and them for me it's just to give you the proper guidance and how to start the life things of that nature so this is the person is one of the winners uh so the card came I just open already so this card uh usually when comes it is like this one in the package so the card comes to me and then I F it to them because at the beginning they do not know what address they going to stay so they use my address so inside here usually there is uh the little B of the guide for new immigrants is called

  Welcome to the United States of America 

the information about things which are important for you to know getting settled in America to find a place to leave Transportation getting social driving license children going to school all those how to apply for jobs all those kind of things they are here so there are links for you to be able to do that then here uh there is just uh there is this small uh this small thing uh the purpose of this one is where you'll put your card but you'll take it out I'm not taking out right now uh this is where you'll go and put the card inside the aim is just to protect uh not to have some scratches and then here usually is the card so I'm I'm just going to hide green card is just the card itself you see it is green is the color itself so just like that that is the Green Card itself so what I do I take it out and I'm going to give s to the P I'm not sending direct forward using this one I'm going to forward to use different like those like you cannot know what is inside uh things of that nature so let me give you example but I'm using my card this is not a green card this is a passport card for America in in us.

 we have we have what uh we have passport and you have a passport card so the same way as the passport card usually they give this type of immigration like uh a paper like this one a pocket wear uh usually there is a back Cod at the end so in order not to have scratches so you put inside there so it become like this way so it becomes like that way so you'll put your green card here and you you have to know that the law according to the law you must have your green card in your wallet at any time that's the law but if you don't have in your pocket it's not a big deal because now is going to ask you immigration documentation all the time but the law says that way if you don't have the green card you can be going to jail or something if you don't but that is not uh a law which people are going to implement obvious people they'll have a state ID or the driving license that is the most but is a law you must have your green card at all time so you have to put your green card into that small pocket in that particular way so if you become the winner of the DV Lottery what next uh the next process usually is to F the Visa form so don't just go Vis fill the Visa form without the address don't go fill the Visa form and mixing the information so use someone uh if you can do by yourself good but if you can use someone else who knows how to do that one that's better so for those who want uh they are the winners of the D lot or they the winners or they are the winner previous or you are currently winning this coming the D 2025 the lot results are out and you want my service of that guidance usually I already said it is about 250 for the entire service until when you come to America then you get more guidance while you here in America the form is on my uh my website which is if you go to my website which is ebm then you find the view winners section you'll find the information and the home where I would be able to feel if you are the winner you have to give me you have you have to give me certain information then you can create a meeting we can talk and then make a plan on how we can make your transition better in the United States majority of us we come here we just do the same thing like other immigrants have been doing but not in a very proper way so sometimes you stay 5 years you ow 10 years you don't have retirement plan you stay here 5 seven years you haven't move moved from one uh profession to another so there are so many things we have to give you a proper guidance so use people who have experience here and who have intention of giving guidance in order to succeed so all the best each and everyone for the divers results if you don't win make sure you apply again in October and even if you are the winner apply again in October until you have the Visa before the Visa you have to apply for the DV Lotter that's what I'm advising you to do thank you so much bye-bye ebm out

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