Paris Saint-Germain F.C.

 over to our friends in Dortmund tonight who had the experience of their lives certainly Jamie carer did he are you sober enough to do this Jamie well you know what you know what that's actually a good point because I haven't had too much to eat I had I had a cheeseburger about H about half two I got the hotel no we do because it might explain why I might be slaying me words because H I've B about eight PS in the yellow wall and H I've got a new family a family of friends we all look after each other I uh I give him a few Bob after uh after half time Jaden Jaden Sano Jaden do you want to join us come in we got the microphone Jaden come on perance got this guy him come in the middle here get in the middle of us get in the middle of us J I've just I've just been in the yellow wall my first experience of it you know it very well obviously you've been here before I mean that was one of the best experiences of my life amazing yeah that's we no I haven't I haven't been yet I haven't been yet but week in week out that's how it is it's how much does it help you on the page a lot a lot when we hear our fans we just we're so motivated from the start so when we hear them.

Paris Saint-Germain F.C. 

 We just we can't wait to play well you know Jaden tonight I was in the yellow wall so the great thing about the yellow wall is the atmosphere it's not the best view in the world so I thought you played well thank you appr but TI onri alesandro delpiero and mik Richards are in the studio they are absolutely ra even about your performance no I appreciate it um but it's not over um you know we still got to go to Paris and and hopefully we can get the job done there but I appreciate the compliments and you know hopefully I can car you look very much like somebody who obviously playing a semi-final Champions League to get into the final but also thinking about the whole world is watching I want to get into that England squad as well and be here in the summer I hate that because you're playing Denmark so no definitely I just you know I'll take it game by game and um you know performances like today um I just hope it just carries on and you know I appreciate the compliments Jaden what what is it about you and BR D you're absolutely outstanding here initially you've come back you being brilliant again what is what is it about this club that sort of really resonate with yourself that's a great question um obviously I came here at 17 and they were the they they gave me the opportunity to play my professional football so um you know I'm just delighted with all the staff and the players that welcome me back and you know I always give it my everything in front of the fans are you going to stay I really don't know but I'm just focused on just the present right now so well I tell you what the only the only thing you haven't done a br just go in the yellow wall right yeah can you promise to BR fans that you go on the because i' I've I've found a new family I've got new friends I mean they bought me pilaga all night make you'd love it J you it's not for you you're still an active Sportsman to go on the yellow wall you you need to drink eight pin you can hear that and he's done that so it's not for you yet thanks thanks for jumping in well done tonight take care guys take care fantastic what performance bring in another player by the way if we allowed to yeah all right so we miss we missed it guys can I why why were you holding him like that like he's not going to dribble pass you or or he's staying there you guys were holding him yeah of course no you know what it is it's it's making making it comfortable familiar you know just a little bit of touching you know we're not like.

Enrique urges 'calm' in Dortmund Champions League decider

 Micah laughing at people and how's he going to go in the yellow wall if he's playing I don't understand yeah I know it's listen he's only on loan he's not an official fut do player so if he goes back to United I will bring him back officially as I said I've got a family of friends now I know where they stand the same people they stand there they've been standing there for 20 years and they get there 2 hours before every game and if I ever go the yellow you think when them eight pins for one off you can remember that family I can remember the faces we got all the videos they're sending the videos over because did we do was the Han moment me mik or was it you it it was you but I wanted to ask you a question you said jayen Sano was embarrassing at Manchester United and I need to get rid of him and no he's gone now don't worry about [Laughter] it but you know what alesandro del Piero I hope you've been absolutely outstanding to cuz you can have my place cuz I'm loving this on the road stuff Peter I'm loving it yeah well you yeah well you're not good enough we' hon just thinking God no let's take a look at some of the pictures of your night Jamie we got like a real of of your night so far there's more to come Kate there's more to come I can assure you that was outside the ground as I said I felt like Paul mney one of the Beetles no no no no no what a he would have ented that look at this what a support what a fan base this was just the start this was me getting excited and these are my family of friends there they are I just F that feel by the way to sing that song it was amazing it was emotional it was emotional look at my friends look at them Jamie can you name name the name of anybody that you spent the evening with ER I just call them all Kaiser [Laughter] but you know what else I got see this around my neck I had a scarf to begin with but I was told I have been given a special gift so I swapped a scarf of this I'm not quite sure what it is exactly I think the scarf was better but I've been told to wear it in the second leg so when I'm in in the studio for the second leg I've got to wear this over my suit because I am now full in on brucia Dortmund do you mean if who told you're stud if you're in the studio oh still right oh have you all got your Shades a you is that all it takes some shades we at another level now jimie we have being told to be quiet so are we being too loud we're being too loud in here all for the no in the in here so we are so whatever you say is going out on every interview in the world we're in a mix Zone here and we're we're that loud that everybody's looking at us s to shut up but let's just keep it going Kate I I didn't forget what you said when you introduced alesandro about his style and did you call me Uncle Junior from The Sopranos or something with a card you said something you might want to take that one up with Mark Young.

Paris St-Germain boss Luis Enrique says his focus is solely on winning the second leg of his side's Champions League semi-final against Borussia Dortmund.

 I tell you what I didn't forget what you said was we heard do you did you guys all hear what Jamie said about us as former friends before on the gasso network do you remember the show he was doing a live cross into the gasso network before he came live to us heard it yes what did he say about you uh he said Annoying laugh annoying laugh yeah loud didn't miss him happy to be gone sick of tier's analysis yeah apparently I'm bad at prompter yeah you said that about me too so yeah uh Alexandro has done extremely well he's been very kind we're fine look at this the new the new Duo M and Alexandro K it's also been a little bit quiet today hasn't it pleasantly quiet yes pleasantly quiet well for us it has been how's it been for you l for you listen we've been told to wrap this up because we're taking your air time away we're much more entertaining on the road than yourselves but you need more air time see I've I've been working I've been working for four years to get a good relationship with every year person here and they're all that's in the bin that's in the bin it's all gone now they're all stood behind the camera telling us to be quiet so this guy comes on the road once drinks eight pins and that relationship you can take the man out of Liverpool oh don't be stereotyping now K my mom is from Liverpool nothing but love oh yeah yeah I know you change your accent every now and again we go good and there we are we're gone goodbye

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